Pregnancy and lactating are a great time in a girl's life! But for the skin it is test, because against the background of hormonal changes, she becomes very vulnerable. You can discover
negative reaction even to those cosmetics that I used before without any problems. When this increases the sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet light and other external factors.
Therefore, pregnant and lactating girls need to take special care of their skin. Any aggressive cosmetic procedures are prohibited! And home care should be as much as possible soft. So that the condition of your skin does not darken such a magical time for you, follow a few rules.
Eliminate cosmetics with Aha, Bha, Pha acids. Many types of acids increase the permeability of the skin, and as a result, they increase the sensitivity. It is best to avoid this during pregnancy and hepatitis B. Although there are products with a minimum acid content that do not make the skin more sensitive. Such products can be used - but only if the manufacturer himself allows the use of cosmetics for pregnant and lactating.
Do not carry out chemical peeling with a beautician: after all, it is also based on acids, and in high concentrations. A competent cosmetologist himself must warn you about this.
Avoid cosmetics and medications with retinol. Like acids, retinol makes the skin more sensitive.
Do not use products with peptides - during a change in hormonal levels, they can increase swelling.
Choose natural remedies such as Asian centella, aloe vera, green
tea and other extracts. For cleansing, use foams and gels without sulfates, and also reverse attention to the fact that there are no strong fragrances and dyes in cosmetics. Perhaps your skin
will react to them normally - but it is better not to risk it.
Be sure to protect your skin from the sun! During pregnancy and hepatitis B, girls very often face pigment spots. If you wear sunscreen daily, you can prevent pigmentation. Just remember that everything is individual: in some cases, hormones can “defeat” even the strongest sunscreen. However, this is not a reason to neglect protection.