In fact, questions about how old you can use anti-aging cream and
other means for the face, not very correct. After all, every person has their own
individual characteristics. We lead different lifestyles, we have different grooming habits,
finally, different skin types. And all these factors directly affect the age at which the
aging skin.
For some girls, the first wrinkles are noticeable at 20, while others - and at 40 there is not a single trace
aging. This means that anti-aging products cannot be tied to one common figure in
passport. If you are thinking about whether it is time for you to apply any anti-aging cream, forget
about age and take a closer look at your skin.
Just do not think that the signal to use an anti-aging cream is
only wrinkles. The aging process begins long before the appearance of wrinkles, including
mimic. First of all, the skin loses its firmness and elasticity, it becomes more flabby. When
you may not even notice when looking in the mirror. But there is an easy way to determine if you need
anti-aging care.
Gently pull a small area of skin away from you and release. See how fast
has this site returned to its original state? If instantly - rejoice! Aging processes while you
did not overtake. But if it takes more than one second for the skin to return, and it
"straightens out" gradually, then it's time to stock up on anti-aging creams, serums, etc.
In this case, age, of course, can be a conditional criterion for the selection of cosmetics. Average
girls notice the first changes at the age of 30-35. If you have no signs at this age
wilting, we still recommend adding antioxidants to the care. These are substances that slow down
aging of the skin.